Take the 2-min quiz to find out which European city abroad is the best match for you!
Is life in America or Europe better for health and wellbeing? This is the million dollar question, isn’t it? Well, maybe not the million dollar question, but it’s pretty dang valuable. Because we know that our environments can affect our health and wellbeing, especially over time. So let’s take some time talking through the different aspects that affect our health and wellness. We’ll be digging into the comparisons between the United States and Europe comparing the differences in the following key areas:
7 key areas of health and wellness:
One of my favorite topics is work-life balance in Europe versus the US. According to Forbes,
Meanwhile, Europeans enjoy 20-30 days of holiday each year, and when they’re off work, they’re off work.
Listen to this episode to learn more about what your health and wellbeing in Europe could look like versus the US.
I'd love to connect with you. You can find me on the Move Abroad podcast and on Instagram.