Take the 2-min quiz to find out which European city abroad is the best match for you!
Let me guess—you’ve been dreaming about moving abroad for months, maybe even years. You scroll through travel blogs, watch expat videos, and follow people who are already living the life you want. But here’s the problem… you haven’t actually done anything to make it happen.
If that sounds familiar, you’re not alone. A lot of people want to move abroad but never take real steps toward it. So today, we’re cutting through the excuses and getting honest about what’s actually holding you back—and what you can do to finally make it happen.
It’s easy to say you want to move abroad, but when it comes to actually doing it, doubts and excuses get in the way. Let’s break them down one by one.
Reality check: No one has all the answers in the beginning. You figure it out by taking the first step.
Solution: Break it down into small, manageable steps. Pick a country, research visa options, and start planning your finances.
Reality check: You don’t need to be rich to move abroad. Many people do it on a budget.
Solution: Start saving, look into lower-cost destinations, and explore visas that allow you to work abroad.
Reality check: The biggest failure is never trying.
Solution: What’s the worst that could happen? You move, it doesn’t work out, and you come back home with a great experience. That’s not failure—it’s growth.
Reality check: There will never be a “perfect” time.
Solution: Stop waiting for the stars to align. If you keep putting it off, years will pass, and you’ll still be in the same place.
If you don’t start taking action, nothing will change. Your future self is begging you to stop waiting and start moving toward your dream.
So, what can you actually do today to stop dreaming and start doing? Here are six real steps to get you started:
Moving abroad feels big and scary. But so did every other major decision you’ve made. And you figured those out—so you can figure this out, too.
You owe it to yourself to at least try. To see what’s possible. To not let fear keep you stuck.
So here’s my challenge: Within the next 24 hours, take one real step toward moving abroad. Whether it’s researching a visa, setting a savings goal, or telling a friend—just do something. Action builds momentum. And momentum turns dreams into reality.
Need help figuring out where to move? Take my free quiz: jordangiberson.com/quiz
Got questions? Send me a DM on Instagram: @jordan.giberson.
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How to Deal With People Who Aren’t Supportive of Your Move Abroad
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Stop telling yourself you “might” move abroad “someday.” Decide that you WILL. And start acting like it.
I'd love to connect with you. You can find me on the Move Abroad podcast and on Instagram.